Simple tool to convert Nepali font Preeti to Nepali Unicode both online and offline. Simply paste your Nepali font (usually Preeti font) contents to the first box and then click convert to have text converted to Nepali Unicode instantly. UTF-8 Nepali Unicode conversion is supported by this tool.
Preeti to Unicode Converter Tool 1.
What is Nepali unicode?
It is a special which is unique or fixed set of code to display Nepali font or character. It codes roman letters in to Nepali format.
This Preeti to Unicode converter is one of the most useful tools.
How to download preeti to nepali unicode converter for pc ?
How to download preeti to nepali unicode converter for pc ?
From here-
Hello Ganesh Prasad Hujdar Sir You can also convert Preeti to Nepali Unicode converter easily using this tool