At present we have two GSM Mobile operators in Nepal namely, Nepal Telecom (NTC) and Spice Nepal. Both of the companies allow their customers to send SMS to their own network’s any GSM mobile thru internet. This service is totally free of cost.
All you need to do is you need to own a SIM card from the company or if you are in foreign and you want to connect by sending SMS to Nepal friends, then ask your friends in Nepal to give you the SIM details so as to fulfill or open the account with the operator.
Nepal Telecom’s websms is available at and the same for Spice Nepal’s websms is available at
NTC’s WebSMS features Sending SMS (maximum 10 WebSMS per day from one cell number account), S-Groups, Address Book and Settings, screenshot casted in blue. Whereas the Internet Customer Service (ICS) is a part of Spice Nepal’s mero mobile service. SNPL features Account status, Tariffs and services, Payments, Requests and transaction results, Scratch card activation (ie you can recharge your prepard Mero Mobile from internet), bill delivery, sending SMS, registering a trouble-ticket. Thus, SNPL’s website is useful except it doesn’t have what is called as the Address Book. Spice Mobile’s got a nice international standard Internet Customer Service. write in their SMS and Cell Phones in Nepal | By Nepal Channel:
Nepal’s economy may not be as advanced or developed as some other countries but you can be certain that you will have at least some access to most of the major technical services that more developed countries offer. One such service is that of cellular telecommunication services. Cellular phones are a great way to keep in touch with friends and relatives in other countries and are quite popular in Nepal with those who can afford it and who live in areas that support this form of communication.
There are currently only two major cellular phone networks in Nepal. These are Mero Mobile (also known as Spice Nepal), and Nepal Telecommunications (NTC). Both are very popular and offer pre-paid services for those on a budget. NTC covers the Pokhara, Bhaktapur, Birganj and Biratnagar areas and is recommended. Short Message Service, or SMS as it is more commonly known, has definitely found a place in this strikingly beautiful country and more and more cellular phone owners in Nepal are making use of Nepal SMS. We recommend that you do the same as they are cheaper than cellular phone calls and will save you money.
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