On our previous article, how to view iPhone websites in desktop Safari browser as an iPhone simulator, we discussed about changing user agent to iPhone in desktop Safari browser. This time it’s application as a whole.
iPhone Simulator: merhl experience design has built a desktop application with Adove AIR and Adobe Flex 3 which simulates the exact user interface (UI) of iPhone. This desktop iPhone simulator can be used to make real phone calls, receive the same, add contacts using Ribbit.
The web browser Safari is the common ground for testing. Though most of the features of this iPhone emulator are not yet enabled and further we can’t add extra applications, yet it’s good to surf the net and use Ribbit.
Download AIR iPhone from Author’s site or download Desktop iPhone from Adobe AIR Marketplace here.
We found another iPhone Emulator for Windows and Palm Pre Emulator at genuitec.com/mobile/. This mobione product says this is the best iPhone emulator and includes drag-n-drop mobile web visual designer for mockups, mobile HTML code generation, screen capture, multi-touch. This product can be purchased or tried by downloading (till May 1, 2010).
iPad clone: Though there is not much functionality integrated with it but the AIR iPad can be used to surf the net using Safari browser inside it. With this desktop iPad you can simulate the feel of what the actual iPad does. We observed it and browsed techsansar.com inside it, we also tried Ribbit.
Hope the author (merhl) will work more on it. You can download the AIR iPad simulator for your computer from merhl.com.
merhl, experience design @ http://www.merhl.com/
At this site you can also be delighted to see a Branded Music Player using runtime CSS – AIR application.
You can download more Adobe AIR products from their Marketplace at www.adobe.com/ where applications written in AIR for different categories of Audio and Music, Business and Finance, Developer Tools, Entertainment, Science and Technology, and many more.