We have learnt some details of all new tablet from Apple – the maker of iPhone 3G S. CNN’s Fortune Brainstorm Tech has published Apple 2.0 Mac News from outside the reality distortion field about Apple tablet – New details leaked.
Apple tablet may not ship until June 2010 and the debate still runs whether Apple Tablet PC is a big iPhone or a thin MacBook.
Much awaited Apple’s face-recognition software and this tablet is going to feature it.
The tablet comes with a virtual keyboard and is designed to be shared by multiple family members to read news, email, and leave messages for one another with virtual stiky notes.
Apple is asking publishers — including the New York Times, Conde Nast and HarperCollins — to work with them to find new ways of presenting and selling content from books, newspapers and magazines.
The company has also been talking to CBS and Disney about setting up monthly subscription services, but Hollywood is resisting Apple’s plan to offer a “best of TV” service consisting of four to six shows from each channel.
Apple is working with videogame publisher Electronic Arts to show off the tablet’s potential as a game machine.
To lead its development of electronic textbooks, Apple has hired Tracy Augustine, a former executive at Pearson Education.
Watch the video preview of Apple tablet PC now: