It’s baffling to find your way around a new website, especially a social networking site where you want to immediately delve into all its features. Sagoon is Nepal’s latest social networking site whose second version was launched on November 8 this year. Sagoon helps you build a rewarding life through – connect, share and earn.

But while this secret sharing function is fun and also gives us a space to express our emotions and thoughts freely, there are certain downsides to it. The problem with sending secrets anonymously is that the receiver gets an email which shows clearly who sent the secret. So what’s the purpose of sending secrets anonymously if your identity ends up in the receiver’s email?
What also doesn’t make sense is that each secret has a comment section and ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ buttons as well. If someone is a sharing a particularly painful secret why would the person want to face a barrage of comments that might make him relive the experience all over? The user also has the option of uploading a photo along with their secret. But this merely takes away from what they’ve shared. The photos most often do not suit the confession and it’s distracting.
Sagoon’s problems do not end there. After finally realizing where one needs to click to find friends, another problem arises when the invite you send doesn’t reach your friend’s account. The ‘friend request’ is accepted at last but only after sending a couple more invitations. Users do not receive notifications promptly and when they do, it fails to direct them to where they should check, which is another drawback. A user has to constantly refresh to see if anything new has come up.
Perhaps because Sagoon’s latest version is still new, the site has many problems to improve on before users can really commit themselves to it. The chat feature also needs work because it is not prompt and one has to refresh the website to see the latest messages. The reminder you set fails to notify but it is marked as ‘done’ if you check past the set date.
All things considered, the makers have a lot of work in front of them before they can entice more users. Till then the users can simply hang around the website reading other people’s confessions.
Source: Myrepublica 1, 2