This is really a boon for most Nepalese using cell phones for a long time monopolistic and not for good mobile services from the country’s mobile phone operators. The upcoming facility to be enforced is called Mobile Number Portability (MNP).
This means: users of Mero Mobile of Spice Nepal can switch to Namaste of Nepal Telecom without having their phone number changed and the reverse.
Nepal Telecommunications Corporation (NTC- Nepal Dursanchar Pradhikaran) is the monitoring government body for telecom operators in the country of Nepal and NTC has just announced of homework on Number Portability (MNP). The corporation has listed MNP on its annual work list. This service is assumed to be compulsorily enforced towards the end of this year.
Number portability will bring competition in mobile service providers and operators as well. So, if a customer is not satisfied of Nepal Telecom’s pre/post paid service (as is in reality- or at least we do) then he could change the tariff and service plant to Spice Nepal (SNPL). And alternatively if someone thinks that the SNPL’s services are quite expensive and wants cheaper rate (but at low customer service- and again we are experiencing it) then he can switch to Nepal Telecom but with the same phone number.
This is very competitive way and totally beneficial for customer or mobile users. Also MNP brings service improvements to the mobile operators. At present only these two mobile operators are allowed for GSM distribution whilst others are in queue for the same.
Hope this Number Portability will be enforced soon so that we would forget what is No Network, Call failed, or Error in Connection. Before this release, NTC brought concept of common tower which remains unknown of the status till now.
What do you say? Which operator you going to opt for? Frankly, we don’t — both of the present are the same? This is the reality of Nepal. Though Nepal remains undeveloped in most of the infrastructures- here comes technology (just for overrating) as an exception.