In 20 seconds, approximately 451 TB (=0.45 PB) of data is transferred over the Internet. Similarly, in the last 30 seconds, there were 1,565,880 Facebook likes as we write this sentence. The Internet data in real-time is quite huge. The live data of Internet usage in real-time around the world is growing every other second to a large figure.
One second in Internet is able to create this huge scale of data traffic:
Facebook: 52,196 likes,
Twitter: 5700 Tweets,
YouTube: 2314 video uploads,
WhatsApp: 219,907 messages,
Google: 4,608 searches.
In 1 second, 22574 GB (= 22.5 TB) of data is transmitted over the complex Internetworks. Similarly, in the same one second US2363$ have been profited by the Internet giants and around 50% of the that went to Apple.
From tweets to Facebook likes to Instagram photos, see how fast Internet usage data is generated every second on the internet in this interactive visualization provided by Penny Stocks. The Internet in Real-Time- the live data of Internet usage around the world.
Click the animation to open the full version (via Penny Stocks Lab).
By the way, in the 121 seconds you’ve been on this page, these internet giants have profited $285923, and around 50% of that went to Apple.
Interested to watch as these internet giants accumulate wealth in real-time, see the Internet company’s wealth in real-time.
Click above to view the full version [h/t].
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